The National Centre for Vocational Education Research has released its statistical report on student participation for 2016. The Australian government funded VET sector comprises 1931 training providers including 53 TAFE and other government providers; 381 community education providers and 1558 ‘other’ training providers.
1.3 million students were enrolled in the government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system, estimated as nearly 8% of the total Australian population aged 15-64 years. In the 15-19 age bracket just over 21% of Australians participated in the VET system.
The report highlights the changing nature of Australia’s student composition.
- student numbers increased by 3.3% but subject enrolments, hours and full-time year training equivalents (FYTEs) all decreased;
- 83.3 % of VET students studied part time in 2016;
- There were distinct changes in participation by different age groups. While the number of 15-19 year olds participating declined by 1.9%, the numbers of students in the 25-44 and 45-64 age brackets both increased by over 7%.
The data shows that the number of Government-funded students by major programs enrolled in creative arts decreased from 439,000 in 2012 to 247,000 in 2016. Using the data tables provided shows suggests that a creative arts student enrolled in a government VET program is more likely to be Female and aged 24 years or below.
Compared to other fields of education, creative arts enrolled a lower percentage of students from: rural and remote areas and from backgrounds where the language spoken at home was not English.
The full report and supporting materials are available at:
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