Notable Values is a specialist performing arts innovation consultancy led by Susan Eldridge, former Director and Founder of IgniteLAB and Associate Lecturer in Music (Entrepreneurship) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. Susan has announced two new initiatives that may be of interest to NiTRO readers.
Innovation in Higher Music Education: Digital Summit
Be inspired and challenged to reimagine music education and radical ways in which musicians can be equipped to thrive in an uncertain future, led by musician and innovation expert Susan Eldridge. The Reimagining Music Education Summit brings together music educators and the classical music industry to imagine ways in which the young artists can be trained as engaged, relevant citizens with sustainable career paths. This experiential, collaborative experience is designed as a think tank for music education. With a dual focus on process and outcome, participants will challenge assumptions, unlock imaginations, celebrate innovation and build community.
Date: 17 & 20 July, 2020
Cost: $600 Full Fee/$150 Concession/Group Discount Available
Innovation in Higher Music Education: New Podcast
The Progessatorium Podcast features conversations about change in higher music education with Deans, Directors and innovators from music schools around the globe. Guests from the New England Conservatory of Music, Maastrict University Centre for Innovation in Classical Music, San Francisco Conservatory and many more share their vision, strategy and learnings as they navigate change and transformation in their schools. Created and hosted by musician and innovation expert Susan Eldridge, listen on iTunes and visit for the full guest list for Season 1.