Event date: 12–1.30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Friday 22 July 2022
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/creative-research-in-the-academy-lived-experience-of-a-wicked-problem-tickets-358344557217?keep_tld=1
A national seminar focussed on the ‘wicked problem’ of doing/evaluating/managing/herding creative practice research in the university sector, co-presented by the Australasian Consortium of Humanities Researchers & Centres (ACHRC) and the Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts (DDCA).
Speakers: Professor Vanessa Tomlinson, Director, Creative Arts Research Institute, Griffith University, Dr Kate Cantrell, Lecturer, School of Creative Arts, University of Southern Queensland and Dr Rand Hazou, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities, Media and Creative Communication, Massey University
Coordinators: Professor Craig Batty, University of South Australia (DDCA) and Associate Professor Grayson Cooke, Southern Cross University (AHHRC).