
As students and graduates start to embark on their professional arts career, an ABC report earlier this year into the ‘hidden costs’ borne by professional artists is worth a re-read.  Interviews with young artists reveal that ‘expenses like materials, labour and transportation of artworks to and from galleries’ and fees

In higher education, we like to throw around the term “successful” when referring to our alumni, but what do we really mean by that?  Employed, certainly (if that is their goal).  Financially stable, making enough money to have a decent quality of life.  But beyond that, is more money really

After six decades of music education, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University graduates are making their mark in the performing arts industry, both in Australia and abroad. its alumni include players in leading positions in every Australian state orchestra, and a host of Grammy and ARIA award winners and many internationally recognised

LinkedIn has been described as the non-sexy, sleeping dragon of social media (Buck, 2012).  It has become the premiere social media site for professionals; most employers in the UK will search for a job candidate on LinkedIn.  This makes it very useful when searching for jobs internships, exploring careers or

When I first enrolled at university to study music, I never doubted for a moment I would find a career when I finished. It was the halcyon days of the late 1960s, there was full employment in most parts of Australia, and an expanding appetite for the arts, fuelled as

Enrolments for Harvard University’s ART Institute graduate program in theatre have been suspended following an unfavourable review against the US government’s ‘Gainful Employment’ regulations, under which access to federal funding relates to an assessment of ‘the amount of debts students can accrue when measured against their expected earnings’. Despite launching