Issue 6

In what is believed to be ‘the first national strategy of its kind’, Universities Australia has released an indigenous strategy which aims to increase the numbers of indigenous students, academics and graduates in higher education, and improve the inclusion of indigenous knowledges, culture and educational approaches in non-indigenous people. While

The Arts Centre Melbourne, in partnership with Entertainment Assist has launched a pilot initiative for performing arts workers to support mental health and wellbeing.  Including workshops, training and a dedicated web site, the service offers a range of tools developed by psychologists to promote mental wellbeing and resilience for the

The economic and statistical research unit of the Federal Department of Communication has now added arts to its remit to provide ‘research, economic and data analysis…to support fact-based policy development and advice’. Reflecting this in a name change to the Bureau of Communications and Arts Research (BCAR), it promises to

NAVA, the National Association for the Visual Arts,  has released a commissioned report into the economy of the small to medium visual arts sector in Australia. The report, produced by consultancy group ‘Economists at Large’ and supported by the City of Sydney, is the first comprehensive study of its type to

Three Projects in Field of Research code 19 (Studies in Creative Arts and Writing) have been included in the list of successful ARC Linkage Project grants announced on 6 April 2017. Project: Enhancing impact in regional theatre for young peopleInvestigators: Professor Rachel Fensham; Dr Paul Rae; Dr Jennifer Beckett; Mr

Australia Council CEO Tony Grybowski has announced the successful applicants for the 2017/18 Australia Council’s international residency awards. Twenty-one creative writers, visual and performing artists across Australia will undertake residencies in a range of global locations including: Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin); Omi International Arts Centre (New York); Nashville Songwriters’ Residency (Nashville);

University of Queensland Associate Dean (Research) Professor Joanne Tomkins will take up her new role as the ARC’s new Executive Director for Humanities and Creative Arts in April 2017. Professor Tomkins personal research interests centre around drama and particularly 3D visualisation and modelling of theatre spaces. Her recent publications include

It is a great honour to have been asked to contribute to the DDCA in my new role as Vice President and to provide the readers’ welcome to this edition of NiTRO. I hope I can support the great work that Professor Su Baker has done for many years and

Charles Sturt University Bachelor of Creative Arts and Design student, Tayla Martin, is one of only two Australians to be shortlisted for The Sony World Photography Awards. Tayla’s portrait, which captures her mother’s emotional journey to cancer remission, was selected from 227,000 images from 183 countries to represent ‘the finest

The recipients of the Australia Council’s awards for contribution to music, literature, community arts and cultural development, emerging and experimental arts, visual arts, theatre and dance for 2017 are: UTS Doctorate of Creative Arts graduate Kate Grenville (NSW) – Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature; Lyn Williams OAM