Government Policy

MP Tony Burke has been appointed Minister for the Arts in the new Albanese Government. So what should we expect? His active support for students at the SCA closure campaign promises an understanding of tertiary arts and indicates that his interest in Arts is more than just an “add on” ministry

The Victorian Government has announced a new action plan to support First Peoples’ culture, cultural expression and creative practice. The First Peoples Action Plan for the Creative Industries 2018-2020, developed in consultation with Victoria’s first peoples, includes 21 actions to improve equity and cultural recognition. It forms part of the government’s Creative State strategy

The government’s R & D Tax Incentive Guide to Interpretation, released recently to assist businesses understand when and how they can claim government tax incentives for investment in research and development, continues its previous pattern of exclusion of research in the arts (and the Humanities).  In his media release, the

CP Snow’s two cultures debate was still bubbling under the surface in a round table discussion, attended by CEOs, artists and arts organisations, convened by the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport as part of its public consultation on digital and art policy. Referring to part of the

In addition to the majority of universities, over 1600 cultural organisations are endorsed as Deductable Gift Recipients (DGR) on the Register of Cultural Organisations managed by the Department of Communications and the Arts. This DGR status allows donors who support their activities to claim a tax deduction for their donations.