Vale Charles Zuber, Queensland College of Art

By Russell Craig. Queensland College of Art

Many colleagues, artists and friends who were teaching or educated at QCA Southbank, Gold Coast and Seven Hills campuses will remember fondly Charles Zuber who passed away on May 12th.

Since joining QCA he made a significant contribution to many departments and was responsible for helping a huge number of individuals with the artistic development. Charles was a Lecturer in Design, Senior Lecturer in Art Theory and Deputy Director Gold Coast.  I myself had first hand experience with his creative teaching and dependable management skills at all three campuses.

Colleagues shared their own memories of Charles and the following is just a selection.

This sorrow is one shared with so many staff of the Queensland College of Art and Griffith University. I remember Charles coming into Centre for Advancement of Learning and Teaching, Griffith University seeking advice from his prior work colleague David Frampton (both David and Charles had worked together in Fiji) and then Charles came to see me as Senior Designer at C.A.L.T. about graphic design employment opportunities. It was my advice to Charles was to apply for a teach job at the QCA – the rest is history! Richard Blundell

This is truly sad news. I remember chatting with Charles with fondness – he loved and was proud of his family too. RIP Charles. I hope you are swimming amongst all the beautiful creatures of the archipelago you spoke enthusiastically with me about. Laini Burton

Very sad news. Charles was a genuine contributor to arts, political and cultural thinking. John Stafford

This is truly a shock. Although it’s been some time since I was in his Popular Culture class he was an inspiration through his conversations on punk rock. . . Upsetting news although he will never forgotten. Ivan Lord

I was sad to hear of Charles’ passing. He had the born teacher’s gift for simplifying things without dumbing down. I always liked his analogy of semiotic analysis as a Sidchrome spanner set. Maree Cunnington

I am sure all those people who knew Charles will join with me in sending our sincere condolences to Pat Zuber and her family. RIP Charles.

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