Following Education Minister Jason Clare’s announcement that the 2023 ERA would be delayed to allow development of a “modern, data driven assessment model”, the Australian Research Council has advised the membership of the new working group charged with consulting and advising on this task. Members are:
Michelle Duryea (Convenor, Research Officer Directors Special Interest Group, Australasian Research Management Society)
Dom English (First assistant secretary Department of Education)
Nick Fisk (DVC R UNSW)
Duncan Ivison (former DVC R Uni Sydney)
Steve Larkin (PVC-Indigenous Engagement Uni Adelaide)
Kate McGrath (DVC R UTS)
Alistair Maclean (CEO Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency)
Chris Moran (DVC R Curtin U)
Cameron Neylon (humanities, Curtin U)
Tony Sheil (Director, Griffith U Research office)
Mary Spongberg (DVC R Southern Cross U)
Vicki Thomson (chief executive Group of Eight)
Marnie Hughes-Warrington (DVC R Uni SA)
Judi Zielke (ARC CEO – chair)