2023 Global Arts Conference: Call for Papers

Submission deadline: 15 December 2022
Conference dates: 13–15 April 2023
Event location: College of Fine Arts, Ohio University, US
Website: https://www.ohio.edu/fine-arts/global-arts-festival/call-papers-2023

In collaboration with several departments at Ohio University, the College of Fine Arts is pleased to organise this international conference, “Global Arts in the Digital Age,” as part of the third Global Arts Festival.

The objective of the conference is to create a forum to discuss new and emerging perspectives in the arts, brought about by the digital age in the 20th and 21st centuries. Digitalisation has permanently changed the paradigm for research, teaching, learning, performance, dissemination, recording, composing, and archiving the arts from a variety of viewpoints. The goal is to stimulate interest in exploring various ways of theorising, analysing, performing, teaching, documenting and researching global arts in the digital age.

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