NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education

Edition 43, 2022 –Boundary Crossing: interdisciplinarity + collaboration

By Professor Vanessa Tomlinson — Collaborating with colleagues outside our own creative disciplines can bring tensions as differences in terminology, understanding and methodologies are drawn to the fore. It also brings unexpected benefits by creating a deeper understanding of ones own practice while adding new dimensions that serve to expand and blur rigid disciplinary boundaries.
By Stephen Murphy — There’s a question I used to dread: “So, what do you do?” It has a second part to it, assumed and unvoiced: “ … for a living”. And what I dreaded was the rabbit hole this opened. If I told a taxi driver “I work in film”, there’d be a follow-up – typically, “like an actor?”
By Lindsay Vickery — The Limited Hangout: in the field project, was a series of site-specific long form compositions for performers, and optionally electronic sounds in the environment.
By Linda Hassall — We are living in a world where eco-anxiety is on the rise, yet Australians largely remain confused about scientific and political reactions to climate change and its effects on Australian ecologies (Clayton 2020, Hogg & Stanley et al 2021, Kelly, 2017, Mackey 2013, Wang et al 2018).
By Dr Charulatha Mani — Regardless of whether an individual makes a conscious effort to understand why or how music operates the way it does in their life, music continues to permeate the life-course. A visit to the gym or a café; a long car ride; or the wedding of a loved one – these occurrences, vibrant or mundane, are often accompanied by music.
By Leah Barclay and Tricia King — Listening to place offers a rich and dynamic way to understand patterns and inspire connections. Listening as method has been integral to a series of interdisciplinary collaborations on Kabi Kabi Country in Queensland that have explored the idea of listening with images, listening with Country, and listening as an active method to inspire action and engagement with the changes taking place in our environment and communities.