NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education


Read Jenny Sinclair in The Research Professional News for a perspective on some of the key concerns raised in relation to ARC’s Consultation Paper. From The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities: “The current focus on commercialisation with the NCGP has obscured the broader range of

“Australian Research Council (ARC) and Department of Education have released the Terms of Reference and Discussion Paper for the Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP). The Review is being undertaken jointly by the ARC and the Department of Education. It is supported by a steering group, made

“The Australian Research Council is to undergo its most significant changes in more than 20 years after a bill amending the governance of its operations and grants was passed by parliament.” – By Jenny Sinclair Read more @ Research Professional…

The Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts (DDCA) is a representative body for the creative arts in the Australian tertiary sector, advocating the value of creative arts education and research not only to the sector, but also to society and culture more broadly. We acknowledge the 47

An independent review into the Australian Research Council Act 2001 (ARC Review) considered the role and purpose of the Australian Research Council (ARC) within the university research system so it can meet current and future needs. The Review considered how the ARC’s legislation can be developed to provide clarity on objectives and

Building on ten years of advocacy and leadership the DDCA Strategic Plan 2023-2027 confirms our commitment to current and emerging leaders of the creative arts in higher education. The completion of the DDCA’s Strategic Plan coincides with the long awaited release of Australia’s new National Cultural Policy, Revive: A Place

No news here, yet … Read more @ ARC ERA …