NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education

Edition 38

Welcome to the 38th edition of NiTRO in which we focus on the ever-recurrent discussion around an alternative arts education in Australia, brought into focus once again as a result of impending rationalisations in our universities and training institutions.

The research in focus prize is open to all current PhD students, recently submitted PhDs and early career researchers within three years of the award of their PhD in the fields of art history, curatorship and art practice. The aim is to support and reward excellence in research communication about art

Griffith University is advertising for Dean (Learning and Teaching) – Arts, Education and Law. The position will be responsible for developing strategies to ensure the Group continues to strengthen its performance in learning and teaching. Closing date: 31 October 2021. Further information available at: Griffith Film School is inviting applications

A new article in The Monthly by Professor Julian Meyrick charts the problems being experienced in Australian university performing arts today. Professor Meyrick called on the DDCA and ACUADS to focus on the issues at the upcoming joint Forum: “This article discusses the grim fate of Australian university drama departments as

A new report produced by QUT and the Australia Council explores how a pilot program designed to place Fine Arts students into industry and community in their final year is highlighting new approaches to preparing students to applying creative skills within a range of industry and community settings. The report

Artists, writers, curators, architects, and designers ranging from graphic and fashion to food and social design, are welcome to apply for an 11-month residency starting in November 2022 at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The Jan van Eyck Academie is committed to exploring the agency, roles, and