Three Projects in Field of Research code 19 (Studies in Creative Arts and Writing) have been included in the list of successful ARC Linkage Project grants announced on 6 April 2017.
Project: Enhancing impact in regional theatre for young people
Investigators: Professor Rachel Fensham; Dr Paul Rae; Dr Jennifer Beckett; Mr Christopher McDermott; Mr Christian Leavesley; Ms Susan Thomas
Partners: Bell Shakespeare Company; Arena Theatre Company Limited; Arts Victoria; The Trustee For Geelong Performing Arts Centre Trust; Theatre Network Victoria Inc; Hothouse Theatre Limited; B.V Kelly & P.S Rattray
Administering University: The University of Melbourne
Project: Vitality and change in Warlpiri songs at Yuendumu
Investigators: Professor Linda Barwick; Dr Myfany Turpin; Professor Nicolas Peterson; Mr Simon Fisher; Ms Valerie Martin
Partners: Warlpiri Media Association Inc; Kurra Aboriginal Corporation
Administering University: The University of Sydney
Project: Disability and the performing arts in Australia
Investigators: Dr Edward Paterson; Dr Lachlan MacDowall; Professor Gerard Goggin; Ms Veronica Pardo
Partners: Arts Access Society Inc
Administering University: The University of Melbourne
Professor Robert Slonim from the University of Sydney (and colleagues) has also been awarded funding for a project in economics focusing upon understanding customers’ philanthropic motives in a project in partnership with Sydney Opera House Trust entitled: The altruism of the arts customer.
Congratulations to all successful grant winners.
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