Following their recent Annual General Meeting, Art Education Australia (AEA) have announced their new Executive. Associate Professor Margaret Baguley (University of Southern Queensland, USQ) takes on the role of President supported by Dr Abbey MacDonald (University of Tasmania, UTAS) as Vice President. The Secretary role is being undertaken by Dr Malcom Bywaters (University of Tasmania, UTAS) and Ms Sue Pavlovich from Horsham College (Victoria) is the new Treasurer. Dr Martin Kerby has taken on the duties of Editor for the AEA journal Australian Art Education. Martin sees the journal as playing a vital role in disseminating high quality research for educators, artists, researchers and museum and gallery professionals.
The new AEA Executive look forward to working with art education organisations across Australia to provide a collaborative network which will further strengthen the collective voice of the visual arts and education in Australia.
For further information please see our Facebook page and website.
Source: Provided by Art Education Australia