NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education

NiTRO is Three!

NiTRO celebrates its third anniversary in July 2019. Since our first edition in July 2016 we have produced 22 editions, which have been accessed by nearly 30,000 users from across the world. NiTRO articles are increasingly cited in scholarly literature and general media, and included in institutional repositories.

While readership numbers of our most accessed articles change rapidly as people access previous editions and re-read articles – as of July 2019, our three most-accessed articles between July 2016 and 2019 were:

  1. A Fond Farewell to Debra Porch – Mostyn Bramley-Moore (Edition 12)

  2. All that is Bad – Ian Haig (Edition 3)

  3. Four Memos to Myself: Things I’ve known, wish I’d known, have learned, unlearned or forgotten – Rupert Myer (Edition 18)

Our steadily-growing readership is due to the erudite commentary of our contributors who include academic staff from all creative arts disciplines, institutional leaders, students, arts professionals, media and not-for-profit organisations.

We would like to sincerely thank the Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts for their ongoing support for NiTRO, and all of our fabulous contributors for their commitment and collegiality!

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