International STEAM Conference (online)

Birmingham City University’s International STEAM Conference will take place on Tuesday 13th July 2021, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (UK time) online.

The conference is aimed at all those curious about interdisciplinary thinking. We explore what is STEAM thinking and why it is important within a Higher Education context.

STEAM thinking is a process which promotes collaboration between the Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Combining skills typically linked to STEM approaches, such as numeracy and analysis, with those typically linked to Arts approaches, such as visual creativity and free association, deeper insights can be generated leading to transformative innovations.

The day is centred on three themes – Exploratory education for everyone, Turbocharging with tech, Collaboration through community – with presentations, panels and Q&As from international experts and Birmingham City University staff. BCU’s STEAM Fellows will share insight into their transdisciplinary projects and how they are stimulating STEAM engagement across the University.

The event will offer the opportunity to hear from a range of international speakers, explore how our Academic community are implementing transdisciplinary approaches across disciplines and give you access to an exclusive collaborative activity running in parallel to the Conference, for follow-up discussions on STEAM approaches, theory and practice.

We invite researchers, teachers, innovators, industry representatives, artists, scientists and those not bounded by their sectors to join and share conversations STEAM.

Further information via the website: BCU International STEAM Conference 2021 – STEAMhouse

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