ONLINE Thursday 2nd November
This conference revisits the purpose and potential of Art & Design in 2023. Creative practitioners have always looked outwards but today they are increasingly mobile, crossing traditional delineations to engage not just with diverse media and methodologies, but ever more disparate disciplinary fields of practice and influence. The global pandemic was a further disruptor that generated unprecedented innovation in creative fields, out of necessity. This in turn catalysed a re-evaluation of the assumed outcomes of creative education and research; foregrounding skills such as collaboration, communication, empathy and ethics – so-called ‘soft skills’ that, in conjunction with innovation and imagination, now appear more important than ever.
Conference Convenors:
Thao Nguyen, School of Art, RMIT University
Professor Kit Wise, Dean, School of Art, RMIT University
The call out for presentation abstracts or expressions of interest will now close Monday 14th August 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by the 26th of August.
To submit, please email your abstract and bio to