NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education

From the President: Welcome to 2018

Here in Australian higher arts education, we are presiding over some ‘interesting’ times ourselves. With a divided polity, seemingly, but not only, separated along education and value and belief system lines, we are finding an astonishing and baffling suspicion of ‘expertise’ and what has been called ‘wilful ignorance’ or the US legal term ‘wilful blindness’.

By Su Baker

Just when we thought it couldn’t get more weird, POTUS wants to arm the teachers … well, that’ll work!

Anyway, back here in Australian higher arts education, we are presiding over some ‘interesting’ times ourselves. With a divided polity, seemingly – but not only – separated along education and value and belief system lines, we are finding an astonishing and baffling suspicion of ‘expertise’ and what has been called ‘wilful ignorance’ or the US legal term ‘wilful blindness’. This is taking on a dangerously familiar condition and as many might fear the foreshadowing of serious political consequences. License to not know any better and to act, to not seek advice from those who might know, and to distrust those who do, has been used to close art schools, reduce disciplinary offerings and cut resources to universities without the need for legislation.

Recommended reading on this is the recently published book by the Vice Chancellor of University of Melbourne, Glyn Davis, where he outlines the historical cultural and structural roots of the Australian university system, the current challenges and future opportunities. It calls for greater confidence in diversity of institutional forms and models of learning. For those in the arts this is indeed music to our ears. It does however mean that the system as a whole needs to understand this proposition. We must move with that systemic change, I believe, otherwise we will be back to our marginal and special-pleading status. In fact, we have much to offer the system as a whole. 

Whether this is impacting on all or any of us immediately, or not, there are clearly disruptive forces ahead or indeed upon us. This is of course should come as no surprise or even concern – aren’t we supposed to be the great disruptors?

So, it seems that from within some of the public and political rhetoric we hear, largely in the popular press, there is a scepticism about the value of university education and a failure of higher education to prepare people for the advancing world of work. Whether the facts bear that out is no impediment to these ideas taking hold.

Amongst the commentary is a call for greater integration of education with the world of work, and even a more serious question about the future of ‘work’ itself. What are to be the jobs of the future? We see the challenge to many white collar jobs being overtaken by technological and data management systems becoming more and more sophisticated and reliable. The once secure professions of law and accounting are being disrupted, and some may say enhanced by the capacity for algorithms to find things out. Of course, the human interactions between client and professional cannot be entirely replaced, but much of what is necessary to learn will be different.

As is my want, I will collapse many things together here, and draw a few themes together.

As to ‘what is a job’ and how to get one, well, we know the shape of the careers of many young people will be multifarious, whatever the profession. It is a cliché but also true that the jobs of the future have not yet been invented.

Many of the skills that we aim to instil in our students are undoubtedly the ones that will help them in the future. So called ‘soft skills’ of socialisation and communication, empathy and resilience, collaborative working methods, critical thinking, creative risk-taking and lateral problem solving, and so on.

If we build these qualities into the learning experiences of our students and that they build confidence, inner resolve and a constructive socialisation we will give them what they need in the face of the inevitably volatile future just up ahead.

Are we doing this? Do we know? The DDCA should perhaps be able to demonstrate this. Can we tell this story with confidence? That could be a project to develop.

We increasingly look at our broader communities outside Australia, through alliances with other like-minded peak bodies, in Europe and the Asia Pacific. Should we look to the Old New world of US and UK, or try to build a new understanding of what is possible from the expanding universe of our own region? This would align with the students’ world view as they look to the nearer neighbours for travel and life experiences.

The DDCA will continue to advocate for the types of educational experiences we provide in the arts where the study contexts are modelled on the embodied practices of the professions, the teaching being active professionals and the interface between study and the world of work is developed early on, through a form of ‘prototyping’, of rehearsing in real time, for a perhaps daunting but an undoubtedly exciting, albeit unknown future.

More from this issue

More from this issue

For many, 2022 has been a year of transition. Whether moving into new roles or university structures, new (or extended) forms of teaching and learning, different research and research training landscapes, not to mention refreshed national governance and priorities, many of our DDCA members will remember 2022 as the year where changes brought about by COVID-19 started to settle in.

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Welcome to the 42nd edition of NiTRO, which examines a broad range of approaches and viewpoints on the Creative Arts PhD, edited by David Cross and Jenny Wilson

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It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Edition 40 of NiTRO, my first welcome as the new President of the DDCA. As I begin my term, challenges will continue and likely intensify. Recent change proposals for the Australian Research Council, government vetos on peer approved grants, and ongoing funding challenges for our sector are just some of the issues requiring continuous and forthright engagement. It is time to be bold.

Welcome to Edition 39 of NiTRO, the last edition for 2021. Following on from our successful virtual forum in conjunction with the Australian Council for University Art & Design Schools on the 28th and 29th October, we take this opportunity to reflect on day one in which we compared our COVID-19 affected two years with that of the UK.

Welcome to the 38th edition of NiTRO in which we focus on the ever-recurrent discussion around an alternative arts education in Australia, brought into focus once again as a result of impending rationalisations in our universities and training institutions.

Welcome to edition 37 of NiTRO in which we discuss issues of collaboration, ethics and authorship. We are proud to co-edit this edition with the Australian Film Television and Radio School, one of our valued member institutions and hopefully the first of many co-edited issues with our growing network of partner organisations.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this edition of NITRO, which focuses on the Design aspect of the broad Creative Arts.

Mental health is a major issue and one that suffers in parts from being a relatively hidden disease, even though mental health affects one in four of us in our lifetime … This issue is timely in many ways in the midst of a COVID pandemic, but timeless in its effects on our global communities and the wellbeing of our citizens.

As we in Australia begin to step out, gradually getting closer to normal social interactions once more, our colleagues elsewhere are still dealing with lockdowns and ongoing disruptions. However, our “normality” is bounded, as we sit in our national isolation, and wait for the time when international travel can resume. This isolation will shape our academic and research work in a unique way that is yet to be understood.

We take stock of our institutions one year on from the outbreak of COVID-19, and gaze into our hazy crystal ball to see what might lay ahead in these uncertain and unpredictable times.

Normally in the final edition of NiTRO for the year, we look back and take stock of what we achieved, a celebration of our unity and our togetherness and usually from a national perspective. 2020 was different, a year to forget in many ways but also a year from which to learn.

Welcome to the 31st edition of NiTRO in which we reflect on a momentous year that no one could have predicted or wished for. In some ways everything happened: catastrophic bushfires, a global pandemic, airlines grounded, the loss of entire cohorts of international and domestic students, the closure of courses and campuses, the shutdown of entire cities, Black Lives Matter and now the Job Ready legislation passing through parliament. And it isn’t over yet!

Welcome to the 30th edition of NiTRO in which Professor Cat Hope co-edits a discussion on interdisciplinarity, timely in the context of a new normal brought about by a rethink of our practices and traditions in a post-COVID world.

We gauge the response from our students to see how we fared during the early days of the pandemic from their perspective. The student voice is essential in helping us reflect on this life changing moment in time, so we can better prepare for change as change becomes the new norm.

This forced transition has highlighted our generosity of spirit and our collective belief in what we do. We have shared expertise, ideas, advice and knowledge to help each other in times of crisis, and for this I would like to thank everyone for their speedy and professional response to this situation on behalf of all at the DDCA.

Welcome to the 27th edition of NiTRO. It is difficult to know where to start to write an introduction that will not seem out of date by the time it is published. The COVID-19 virus has changed our world forever, and let us hope that some of what we enact now will improve life for us all.