ARC Grants

Over the Christmas break the ARC has announced a number of new grants awarded. In creative arts these include: Hearing the music of early New South Wales, 1788-1860. Chief Investigators: Professor Neal Peres Da Costa; Dr Amanda Harris; Professor Jakelin Troy; Dr Toby Martin; Dr Matthew Stephens  Physical musicality: Optimising lived experience among older adults. Chief investigators: Professor William

Four of the recently announced successful grants for the ARC’s Special Research Initiative for Australian Society, History and Culture are in the creative arts field of research (FOR19). Our congratulations to: Dr Brian Martin for project entitled ‘More than a guulany (tree): Aboriginal knowledge systems’ Associate Professor Robert Burke; Professor

Congratulations to colleagues in UNSW and Adelaide who have recently been awarded ARC Linkage grants for projects in Field of Research code 19. UNSW will administer two projects: Designing for sustainability using a transformative repair model (researchers: Dr Guy Keulemans; Dr Trent Jansen; Mr Brian Parkes; Ms Lisa Cahill; Ms