Monash University

Graduate degrees in the performing arts are now well established in Australia, with graduates employed in various university departments. The exegesis/project combination of these degrees holds different weightings across the various universities that offer them … The unfolding of the relationship of writing to practice also occurs in vastly

To describe this semester as anti-climactic would be an understatement. For my cohort and I, this would have been our final year of music school. As the new semester approached, our anticipation to collaborate, create, and learn together for what would have been the last time at Monash was

DDCA Vice President Cat Hope joins Monash University’s Associate Dean Enterprise Jo Lindsay in conversation about the changes in postgraduate research training that have recently taken place.

Monash University is advertising for a new Head of Department in Design. The position, which closes on 9 June, will be based at the Caulfield campus and is one of a number of positions being advertised in Design. Details for applications for the Head of Design position can be found

Rather than advertise precise positions, we are calling for EOI’s with a cover letter, enabling applicants to showcase their own achievements rather than fit them into a position description. These are ongoing positions and available to both national and international applicants. Classical instrumentalists with PhD/ DMA, composition (acoustic or electronic

Thirty years ago, I had to repeatedly explain to my grandparents what I was studying at university - presumably, they felt about Design the way I feel when my kids tell me they want to be YouTubers when they grow up. Today, the litmus test for what people

Congratulations to Monash University lecturer Andrew Brook who has been appointed as Artistic Director for the Sydney Biennale in 2020. Andrew, an interdisciplinary artist and recipient of a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship, has said that his aim as artistic director will be to “shine a light on the active, stable

By Megan Burslem and Professor Cat Hope — “I really believe that art is important; I believe in its power to bring people together, how it helps us challenge and reflect on our views and improves our quality of life. Arts should be at the core of our national identity,