NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education


The Australia Council has appointed two new heads of practice. Zohar Spatz and Sarah Greentree will join the Australia Council’s Sector Development Team in May to take up their roles as Head of Community and Experimental and Head of Dance and Multi Arts respectively.

Award winning theatre director Sam Strong has been appointed as Executive Director – Creative Industries for Creative Victoria. He has previously played a leadership role in a range of Victorian and Queensland Theatre companies and national Festivals. His responsibilities at Creative Victoria includes strategic development research and international engagement.

Current Head of Dance Science at the UK’s Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Professor Emma Redding has been appointed as the incoming Director of the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). Professor Redding’s current research includes large-scale musicians’ health study funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research

Professor Bernard Lanskey has been appointed as the new Director of the Queensland Conservatorium at Griffith University. Music educator and pianist Professor Lanskey joins Griffith after 15 years leading the Yong Siew Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore.

Director of Clemenger BBDO Robert Morgan has been announced as the new Chair of the Australia Council. Mr Morgan was formerly Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of the Clemenger Group, Australia’s largest advertising and marketing communications network. He is a long-term Director of the Sydney Swans and  served on the Board

Professor Bernard Lanskey has been appointed as the incoming Director of Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. Pianist Professor Lanskey is currently Dean of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at the National University of Singapore. He will commence with Queensland Conservatorium in July.

The Australian Academy of the Humanities has appointed Professor Lesley Head as its new president. She is the Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Head of the School of Geography at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on relationships between society and nature, and particularly on the cultural dimensions of environmental

DDCA Board member Professor Craig Batty will move from the University of Technology, Sydney, to the University of South Australia at the end of the year to take up the role of Dean of Research in the university’s Creative Unit. Professor Batty, who is considered one of Australia’s leading screenwriting researchers,

Professor Marie Sierra has been announced as the new Dean of the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Fine Arts and Music. Professor Sierra, who is a DDCA Board member, has a long career in the arts having held senior positions at the University of Tasmania and most recently as Deputy

The Australian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH) has announced a new executive line up. President Cathy Coleborne, an historian from Newcastle University will be joined by international relations scholar Nick Bisley (La Trobe) as secretary, Annamarie Jagose (feminist studies, Uni Sydney) as treasurer and Tony