NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education


Epidemiologists and music enthusiasts in Denmark have taken national data on covid cases from 2020 -2022 and converted it to sound that corresponds with the introduction of public health initiatives. Pandemic Rhythms, which aims to make science more accessible to the general public through this auditory perception, is published in

Dominated by engineering constraints, the potential for human centered design to inform the design of extreme, isolated environments such as submarines, Antarctica and even off world habitation has been limited. Driven by economic pressures and profession cultures fields such as ship building rarely include human factors in their design.

In the summer of 2019 an Erasmus+ bid for research into STEAM in Higher Education, coordinated by Birmingham City University, was approved. At the time, the UK was also in protracted negotiations with the European Union, the impending exit having implications for educational exchange. This would prove to be

The Australian Academy of Humanities has announced a 12-month study to map Australia’s research and training capacity in China studies and identify areas for improved knowledge-building and capacity. The Mapping Australia’s China Knowledge Capability project aims to review Australia’s current needs and existing capacities in research and training about China and identify areas of excellence and

Previous research has demonstrated that up to 85% of university students experience some form of psychological distress, with one in three having a mental-health disorder. Therefore, to provide valuable insights as to how we can minimise this issue within the tertiary-education system, Cameron Williams from the Black Dog Institute (UNSW)

The consulting firm and friend of the DDCA, Research Strategies Australia, has just released a new podcast series focussed on the future of the higher education and public research sectors. The Research Strategies Australia Podcast includes interviews with colleagues from around the globe working at the cutting edge of research

The Australian Research Council has announced up to $12 million in funding for projects under a Special Research Initiative for Australian Society, History and Culture. Funding of between $20,000 and $100,000 per annum for up to three years is available for research projects focused on Australian and Aboriginal and Torres

By Dr Tim Cahill — It is accepted that Australian universities run research at a loss, with research cross-subsidised from student fees. Across the sector this results in around a $4.1b difference between research revenue and research expenditure, or about 42 per cent of research which is funded from non-research

Harvard University has just opened a new laboratory devoted to research into art creation and interdisciplinary creativity. The Art Lab will include students, staff and visiting artists involved in art making and “creating on the spot”. The official opening featured dancers, musicians, video and photo artists highlighting the interdisciplinary nature

Research undertaken by University of South Australia Artist and researcher Bridgette Minuzzo has revealed that including artwork in the workplace can reduce stress and mental fatigue in workers. Working with a neuroscientist, Bridgette’s study tested mental wellbeing of 91 people across 18 work sites where there were no windows or