NiTRO Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education


When the world went into isolation with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators and researchers everywhere had to rethink the classroom model. Artist Anna Tow and curator Deborah Turnbull Tillman used the opportunity to disrupt traditional models (coded male) with the mode of learning via social systems (coded

In mid-2021 the DDCA commissioned Outside Opinion to undertake a snapshot of creative arts activity in Australian higher education between 2019 and 2021. Responses from organisations in five states provided valuable insights into enrolment trends and contextual factors affecting the creative arts programs.

By Anna Tow and Deborah Turnbull Tillman — In a world where there is daily anxiety around the economy, our health and public engagement, we offer a pedagogy that promotes resilience, self-reliance and employability. As Collaborator, Deborah Turnbull Tillman is curator concerned with disrupting conventional process and situating her students

As courses move online with the current COVID-19 lockdown in Warrane/Sydney, I reflect on the significance of material-making in design education and how the COVID pandemic has impacted on student learning experiences with mandated restrictions to specialised workshops on university campuses.

In this article we discuss models of design practice, based on three student projects from different program levels, the Bachelor of Design, the Master of Design (coursework) and the Doctor of Philosophy in Design, in the School of Art & Design at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.

Rapid change in the field of design has become a defining challenge in our role as educators. Graduates from design programs are expected to be simultaneously conceptual, material and entrepreneurial thinkers with the ability to work across disciplines.

Previous research has demonstrated that up to 85% of university students experience some form of psychological distress, with one in three having a mental-health disorder. Therefore, to provide valuable insights as to how we can minimise this issue within the tertiary-education system, Cameron Williams from the Black Dog Institute (UNSW)

Congratulations to UNSW Professor Dennis Del Favero who has been awarded an ARC Laureate for a program of research that uses digital systems to depict unpredictable scenarios (for example, wildfire) separate to human-centred depiction.

Dr Prue Gibson, Professor Marie Sierra, and Dr Sigi Lottkandt (all Chief Investigators from UNSW) have been awarded a $296,370 ARC Linkage grant for ‘Exploring Botanic Gardens Herbarium’s value, via Environmental Aesthetics’. The project aims to aesthetically redefine engagement with the plant collection at Royal Botanic Gardens Herbarium (RBG) in

The rhetoric of fighting a war against an invisible coronavirus enemy has been invoked, perhaps too blithely, by politicians. However, the parallel between global pandemics and sites of conflict are worth reflecting on, as they create an understanding of human experience in extremis.