NiTRO + Creative Matters

Perspectives on creative arts in higher education


In 2022-2023 Marrugeku has convened two practice led research laboratories to explore how relationships between dance, Country, community experience and history can communicate with audiences through intersections of dance and cultural dramaturgies

Notable Values is a specialist performing arts innovation consultancy led by Susan Eldridge, former Director and Founder of IgniteLAB and Associate Lecturer in Music (Entrepreneurship) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. Susan has announced two new initiatives that may be of interest to NiTRO readers. Innovation in Higher Music Education:

By Associate Professor Vanessa Tomlinson — The second Australia Percussion Gathering, directed by Associate Professor Vanessa Tomlinson alongside advisors Tom O'Kelly, Dr. Louise Devenish and Francois Combemorel was held at Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University in July 2016. Sitting somewhere between a music festival, a conference and a music camp, the
By Dr Linda Ludwig — The Symposium at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel – introduced by Carla Delfos from the European League of the Institutes of the Arts – brought together methodological reflections on research in the arts with recent activities from researchers in the field.
By Associate Professor Robert Burke and Dr. Andrys Onsman — Criticism of the scientific methods of doing research has increasingly pointed out that all experimental research involves some sort of creative leap. In the performing arts such creative leaps are fundamental to artistry.